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After-School Clubs

School Clubs

At St. Saviour’s, we value the role of extracurricular and enrichment opportunities for our pupils to engage in. We aim to give the children the freedom to experience a broad range of different activities. Not only for enjoyment, but also to encourage them to move out of their comfort zone and broaden their horizons by trying something they may not have ever tried before.

We endeavour to offer a varied menu of clubs including: -

  • sport of many kinds
  • performance arts including drama, dance & movement, film
  • ICT including coding
  • design & technology or construction using Lego or K’nex
  • library and bookshed to encourage a love of reading
  • number games
  • arts and crafts including drawing, colouring and creative skills such as Hama beads
  • board games, chess etc. for problem solving and strategy building
  • music through choir and orchestra

We aim to offer between 20 – 30 clubs per week. These are led, mainly, by teachers who are asked to run a club as part of their directed time. Others are run by outside providers; the costs of which, at the moment, are funded via our Sports Premium budget.

We run each programme of clubs for two terms at a time. Depending on how the school year is set by Kent County Council, this is usually for 11 weeks in Terms 1 & 2, 10 weeks in Terms 3 & 4 and 9 weeks in Terms 5 & 6 – a total of 30 weeks. At the beginning of terms 1, 3 and 5 you will receive a list of the clubs for the current terms which we ask you to read through with your child/children to help them to decide which clubs they might want to try to sign up for. Clubs can never be guaranteed so it is always a good idea to explore alternatives in case their first choice has no space left. The list will tell you the dates when clubs will begin and end for that period.

Signing for clubs takes place within the school day – once in the morning for the first club and again in the afternoon for a second club, so that every child has the opportunity to get at least one club of their choosing. Your child will then bring home to you a slip detailing which club they have joined.

Please note that clubs are not offered as Child Care as they only run for 30 weeks of the academic year and can be subject to cancellation at short notice if unforeseen circumstances arise. In such cases, our first aim is to cover the club with available staff but this is not always possible.

Pick and Paint term 5 and 6 2024

Pick and Paint term 3 and 4 2024

School clubs term 3 and 4 2024
