Please note that, from September 2024, school lunches will increase in price from £2.70 to £3.15 per meal. Monies should be paid in advance direct to Caterlink.
Packed lunch guidance
As a parent, I know how fussy some children can be with food. As a teacher, I see the impact of unhealthy food choices at lunch time. Children's lunch time meal should provide them with the slow-release energy to fuel their learning through the afternoon.
Do include:
- Slow-release energy food like bread, wraps, crackers, pasta or rice
- Protein to help your child grow, meat, fish, beans and pulses are all good sources of protein
- Fruit and vegetables. Include salad like carrot sticks and cucumber
- One dessert item like a cake bar or yoghurt
Please avoid:
- Large amounts of sugar, this raises blood sugar for a short time which then falls, leaving children feeling tired by early afternoon. Also bear in mind that children will probably not brush their teeth until bed time. If you reduced sugar now, they might thank you for saving them money in dentist bills in later life!
- Nuts - we have children with very severe nut allergies, even airborne nut traces could cause serious harm
- Over-priced and over-processed food aimed at parents. Food like fruit winders contain far more sugar and gelatin than fruit. Don't be fooled by phrases like 'fructose' and 'fruit natural sugars' - they are still processed foods
- Fruit juice or cordial. Just provide water - it is cheaper and less of a problem when it leaks
I have never met a parent who hasn't felt guilty about food at some point. We are all concerned that our children will starve if we do not give them the foods they want. Please believe me that children will eat if they are hungry. If your child does not eat their packed-lunch, try not to be tempted to give them treat foods straight after school. As you remove the junk food alternatives, they will gradually learn to eat healthier foods - you are in charge, not your children.
Free School meals form for parents and carers. Form was sent home with each child but if another copy is required please click on the title link to open/edit/print form. Return all forms to School office.