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School day

P.E Days

Children should wear their PE kit to school on these days:

Year 3: Thursday and Friday

Year 4:  Monday and Tuesday

Year 5:  Wednesday and Thursday

Year 6:  Monday and Wednesday


Each week, children have one lesson with Mr Bailey, our Sports Coach, and one lesson with their year group or class teacher.

8.30am  The gates to the playground are unlocked, children go to the playground and then are collected at 8.40am and read in class

8.50am  Registration

8.55am  Maths

10.10am  Collective worship

10.25am  Play time

10.40am  English and guided reading

12.00pm  Grace said

12.05pm - 1.05pm Lunch

1.05pm  Afternoon lessons

3.20pm  End of teaching and prayer


Teaching ends at 3.20pm and children make their way to the front exits at around 3.25pm for collection.

Total of 32.5 hour per week
